All page numbers below refer to "Siddur Sim Shalom, For Shabbat and Festivals", version published in 1998. However the page numbers in the audio files (.mp3's), refer to a much older version of "Siddur Sim Shalom".
The Torah service begins on page 139.
- Ein kamocha, p. 139
- Vayehi binsoa, p. 139
- B'reech shema, p. 139
- Beh, p. 140
- Shema, p. 141
- At this point, the Torah is carried in a procession, first going back through the right aisle in the seats, then around the back of the congregation, then back through the middle aisle to the reader's desk, while singing L'cha, p. 141
- At this point, the Torah is read, and then Kaddish, then the Haftorah. (Torah brachot, Haftarah brachot).
- Avinu shebashamayim, p. 149
- Ashrei yoshvei veitecha, p. 151-152
- Yhalelu hodo, p. 153
- Directions, p. 153. At this point. the Torah is carried in a procession through the left of the congregation, around the back, and then down the middle to return the Torah scroll to the ark. You march with the Torah as you sing with the congregation, but pause when you are singing alone. You will be given a sheet with Mizmore L'David so you don't have to carry your siddur.
- Mizmor L'david, Havu La'adonai p. 153; Alternate melody
- Ki Lekach Tov p. 154; Alternate melody