All page numbers below refer to "Siddur Sim Shalom, For Shabbat and Festivals", the version published in 1998. However the page numbers in the audio files (.mp3's), refer to a much older version of "Siddur Sim Shalom".
- Shochein ad marom, p. 105
- Uvmakhalot, p. 105
- Yishtabach shimcha la-ad malkeinu, p. 106
- Hatzi Kaddish, p. 106
- Barchu, Yotzer Or, p. 107
- Ein K'erchecha - El Adon, p. 107
- La El, p. 109, followed by Teetbarach on p. 110
- V'choolam, p. 110. It starts at the 6th line from the top, not at the box. You resume at lehakdeesh, which is not at the box, but in the middle of the 3rd line of the second paragraph on p. 110. Continue through the rest of p. 110. Or hadash is at the third line from the bottom.
- Teetbarach alternative, top of p. 110.
- Ahava Raba (3:51), p. 111
- Shma, p. 112
- Emet, p. 113, second paragraph through p. 114, end of first paragraph
- Mi Chamocha, Tzur Yisrael, p. 114
- Amidah repetition, p. 115b
- Amidah Gvurot,
- Kedushah, p. 116
- Kedushah: Oz B'kol rosh
- Kedushah: mimekomecha
- Kedushah: L'dor v'dor
- Yismach Moshe, p. 117
- Veshamru Bnei Yisrael, p. 117
- V'lo Netato, p. 117
- Eloheinu vElohei Avoteinu, p. 117
- Retzay, p. 118
- ...modim anachu lach, p. 118
- val kulam yitbarach, p. 119
- Sim Shalom, p. 120
- Kaddish Shalem, p. 138