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Rosh Hashanah, 5770, Meredith Trauner

Rosh Hashanah

Saturday, Sep. 19, 2009; 1 Tishrei 5770

Meredith Trauner 

As this drash contains Hebrew characters, it is available for now, only as a pdf.

Click here to read it.

Kol Nidre, 5770, Rabbi Menachem Creditor

 Kol Nidrei 5770/2009: "Hidden Treasures"

Rabbi Menachem Creditor

dedicated in love to the Netivot Shalom Community

Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5770, Rabbi Shalom Bochner

Rosh Hashanah

September 18, 2009 / Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5770

Rabbi Shalom Bochner



Time for your annual check up for your soul


Shanah Tovah.

Yom Kippur morning, 5765, Linda Blachman

Yom Kippur morning

September 25, 2004 / 10 Tishrei 5765
Linda Blachman

Seeing Through Clouds

Parashah Noach, 5754, Art Braufman

Parashah Noach
Genesis 6.9-11.32

Art Braufman

I'm going to give a quick synopsis of today's portion with a few comments and then I'll go in detail into one particular section.

Parasha Miketz, 5755, Peter Strauss

Parasha Miketz
Genesis 44.1-44.17
Delivered on December 3, 1994 / 30 Kislev 5755
Peter Strauss

In honor of his Bar Mitzvah and Sixty-First Birthday

Parashah Shemini, 5755, David Mostardi

Parashah Shemini
Leviticus 24.1-24.23
Delivered on March 25, 1995 / 23 Adar II 5755
David Mostardi

[When that anonymous person said 'the longest journey begins with but a single step,' he was only telling the half of it.]  The human experience is full of beginnings and endings, and most cultures have developed rituals for these events. Jewish tradition is no exception.

Parashat Emor, 5758, David Mostardi

Parashat Emor
Leviticus 24.1-24.23
Delivered on May 16, 1998 / 20 Iyar 5758
David Mostardi

Parashat Beshalach, 5758, Art Braufman

Parashah Beshalach
Exodus 13.17-17.16
Delivered on January 31, 1998 / 4 Shevat, 5758
Art Braufman

Parashat VaYechi, 5759, Art Braufman

Parasha VaYechi
Exodus 6.2-9.35
Delivered on December 27, 1998 / 8 Tevet, 5759
D'var Torah at Netivot Shalom Board Meeting
Art Braufman


This week's parasha, Vayechi is the last parasha of Bereshit. It records the death of Jacob. Before Jacob dies, he blesses Ephraim and Menasseh and then all 12 of his sons.

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