The Binding of Isaac, a lesson in holding back?
When I was a child, this parsha, Bo, really freaked me out. Granted, I was sort of a weird kid with an overactive imagination, but every year around Pesach, I would begin to get horrible nightmares. I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep at night. I would be terrified all day long.
And this parsha, this story, is largely the reason why.
Yom Kippur afternoon
September 28, 2009 / 10 Tishrei 5770
Josh Buchin
In 1891, a young sailor named James Bartley was an apprentice on a whaling vessel called “The Star Of The East.” As the “Star of the East” traveled through the South Atlantic in pursuit of a tremendous whale, disaster, somewhat inevitably, ensued, the ship was capsized and Bartley, much to his surprise, I'm sure, was swallowed by the whale.
Rosh Hashanah, Second Day
20 September 2009 / 2 Tishrei 5770
Michael Meltzer
Yom Kippur
Sep. 28, 2009 / 10 Tishrei, 5770
© Linda Blachman
Last Rosh HaShanah our darshanit said that she would focus on silence during the coming year. I was captured by the idea of having a focus for the year and immediately knew the one I would take: “Choose Life.”
Financial upheaval—Who will become poor and who will become rich?
Political unrest—Who will be at peace and who feel lacking?
Existential angst—Who will live, who will die?
Spiritual wandering—Who will rest and who will wander?
Emotional turmoil—Who will have quiet and who will be torn up?
Shabbat shalom!
Like many of you, I was excited to watch the Inauguration of President Obama a few weeks ago. Let me read you a few of his words:
Rosh Hashana, 5770, Elan Ziv
Sep. 19, 2009 / 1 Tishrei, 5770
Elad Ziv
This drash includes Hebrew characters, so it is available (for now) only in pdf form.
Click on the title Tshuva and the Stranger to read it.