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Drashot 5768 (2007-2008)

Drashot 5768 (2007-2008)

See left navigation bar for list and links.

Drashot 5769 (2008-2009)

Drashot 5769 (2008-2009) 

Drashot - 5770 (2009-2010)

Drashot - 5770 (2009-2010)

Yom Kippur, 5769, Carol Dorf

Yom Kippur

October 9, 2008 / 10 Tishri 5769

Carol Dorf


Rosh Hashanah, 5769, Josh Kirsch

Rosh Hashanah
September 30, 2008 / 1 Tishrei 5769
Josh Kirsch


Shana tova.

Today. Today is the day we sit, stand, pray, and throw bread in the water. Ten days later we fast. There is shofar, honey, and machzor. And then there is falling on our faces.

Parashat Toldot, 5770, Meghan Starkey

Meghan Starkey

Parsha Toldot

November 21, 2009 / 4 kislev 5770

Genesis 25:19 - 28:9
Shabbat Shalom.

Parashat Korach, 5769, Art Braufman

Parshat Korach
June 27, 2009 / 5 Tamuz, 5769
Art Braufman

Numbers 16:1 - 18:32

Shabbat in honor of

our 50th wedding anniversary

Shabbat Shalom.

Parashat Emor, 5769, Rabbi Shalom Bochner

Parashat Emor

May 9, 2009 / 15 Iyyar, 5769

Rabbi Shalom Bochner

Leviticus 21:1 - 24:23

Shabbat Shalom.

Parashat Tazria-Metzora / Safe Jewish Homes

Parashat Tazria-Metzora
April 17, 2010 / 4 Iyar, 5770
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Leviticus 12:1 - 15:33

Safe Jewish Homes

(Resources are listed at the end)

 A few years ago I spoke about Domestic Violence on Yom Kippur.  Afterward, two very sweet members of my shul came up to me and said: "Rabbi, you should speak about such ugly things from the bimah.  That doesn't happen here."

Parashat Yitro, 5770, Bileca

Steve Bileca
Parashat Yitro
February 6, 2010/22 Shevat 5770

Exodus 18:1 - 20:23 

Shabbat Shalom.

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