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Parashat Vayera, 5774, Rivka Greenberg

Parashat Vayera
October 19, 2013 / 15 Cheshvan 5774
Rivka Greenberg

Genesis 18:1-22:24

Domestic Violence and Becoming a Sukkat Shalom


As I say to all of you, Shabbat Shalom, the meaning of the phrase is doubled this morning. 

Sukkot, 5774, Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Sukkot 5774
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

A Sukkot Drash by Rabbi Creditor in partnership with American Jewish World Service & Netivot Shalom's ARC Initiative
The drash is available on the America Jewish World Service web site.

Yom Kippur, 5774, Benjamin Epstein

Yom Kippur, 5774

Sep 14, 2013 / 10 Tishrei 5774

Benjamin Epstein

Click below on the attachment to see the Drash.

It contains Hebrew and therefore it is in a pdf.

Yom Kippur, 5774, Mina Gobler

Yom Kippur, 5774

Sep 14, 2013 / 10 Tishrei 5774

Mina Gobler

Thank you for the honor of sharing my thoughts with you on this, the most solemn, holy day of the year. By now our stomachs have begun to rumble and we turn inward from material to spiritual concerns. We turn from praying as a community to focusing on our own personal pleas for forgiveness.

Rosh Hashana Day 2, 5774, Robin Braverman

Rosh Hashana, Second Day

Sep 7, 2013 / 2 Tishrei 5774

Robin Braverman


The Ram in the Thicket”

[Editor's Note: Robin's drash included holding up placards and a previously distributed handout with the lyrics of song “A Ram in the Thicket” by Shell Posen, who generously allowed us to include an MP3 recording of his original version. The lyrics appear at the end of this drash.]

Rosh Hashana Day 1, 5774, Meghan Starkey

Rosh Hashana, First Day

Sep 5, 5774 / 1 Tishrei 5774

Meghan Starkey


Shanah Tovah.

Here we are in the month of Elul. Here we are, poised at the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, to reflect, to change, and to repair. We stand at the start of our community-wide, ritualized time in the calendar for teshuvah, or return. We take this opportunity seriously enough to spend many hours in thought, prayer and reflection.

Rosh Hashanna Day 1, 5774

Rosh Hashanna, First Day

Sep 5, 2013 / 1 Tishrei 5774

Howie Miller


First of all, I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to speak with you on the high holidays. While I suspect this won’t be the funniest drash you’ve ever heard, my hope is that it won’t be the longest either.

Erev Rosh Hashanna, 5774, Rom Rosenblum

Erev Rosh Hashanna

Sep 4, 2013 (eve) / 1 Tishrei 5774

Rom Rosenblum

So, as this is the first drash that I give this year…actually the first ever! … I’ll make a Sh’hechiyanu prayer. You can join me if this is the first drash you’ve ever heard … otherwise, an amen would be appropriate at the end. … … …

Drashot 5774

Drashot 5774 (September 2013 through August 2014)

Erev Yom Kippur, 5774, Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Yom Kippur

Sep 13, 2013 / 10 Tishrei, 5774
Rabbi Menachem Creditor


“Restoring the Arc (of A Love Affair)”

The prophet Isaiah is on my mind and in my heart more and more. His voice rings in Yom Kippur’s Haftarah with messages I fear we’ve forgotten. With messages I believe we must begin to remember, even if they hurt our hearts. Especially because they hurt our hearts so deeply.

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