Shalom! This site is both for the Bat and Bar Mitzvah Families, students, and guests! (Visit our "Jewish Prayer Resources Page" for help entering and enjoying our services! (Leining and Davening). Our synagogue, Netivot Shalom, "Paths of Peace," is a Masorti (Conservative) egalitarian congregation that welcomes all visitors! We are a vibrant community of thoughtful, observant Jews who come together to daven (pray), teach, learn, and do the work of tikkun olam (repairing the world). We hope that this Shabbat guide gives you some idea what to expect at our Shabbat service, and are glad to welcome you! (Also, Check out the CNS Shabbat Morning Audio Guide & download some davening!)
When Jewish boys and girls become bar and bat mitzvah, they reach a new stage of development in their lives and start thinking about the kind of people they want to be, emerging from the world of childhood as their moral awareness and sensitivity develop, enabling them to take complete responsibility for their actions. B'nei Mitzvah are celebrated with a festive meal, with the community, family and friends of the bar or bat mitzvah on hand to celebrate their ritual landmark. The meal is often accompanied by speeches from friends and relatives who encourage the bar or bat mitzvah to undertake their new role as a full-fledged Jewish adult with joy, and to strive to add spirituality to their lives. Please be in touch with Rabbi Menachem Creditor or Eliana Kissner, Director of Amitim, for more information.
This is the B'nei Mitzvah Covenant towards which we strive at Congregation Netivot Shalom:
Some Helpful Links: