September 24, 2006 / Rosh Hashanah, Second Day 5767
Eric Seder
[Most of this drash was not delivered from a written text, but Eric Seder has provided the following excerpt.]
When I was a student at Pardes in Yerushalayim, my teacher, Rabbi Bernstein, explained Tsuva is not up there far away in the heavens, it is here on earth. So how do we get it to come to us? He suggested we take stock of ourselves. He ran what he called a practical tsuva workshop.
I am going to repeat few of the questions he asked. Think your answers.
How you answer is between you and God.
- What are two ways you can be better to a loved one?
- Who are two people you need to tell how proud you are of them?
- What are two mitzvoth you'd like to do or do better?
- What are three ways you can be a more serious person?
- What are the two things you've done this year that you are most proud of?
- What are two things you wished you hadn't done?
- Who are two people you look up to? Why do you look up to them?
- What can you do to become the person you want to be?
- What are three one sentence goals you've set for yourself?
- How can I go about becoming the person I want to be?